Walking in a Winter Wonderland

January 26, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

When I woke up about a week ago and realised everywhere was covered in snow, I grabbed my camera equipment and started screaming at the kids to get ready!  Finally, I thought - I can get the images for a large multi frame I have been meaning to fill for.... well, to be honest, over a year!  I love shooting on a bright snowy day - it's beautiful!!! It's like having one huge reflector bouncing the light all over - which makes for fabulous images!

We had to be fast - the daylight was literally fabulous for the morning and shortly after lunch it was very dull. I love seeing the kids all snuggly in their winter coats and hats and I am a big fan of wellies and boots - there's just something fun about these style of images and these are the types of images I love adorning my walls at home.  This is something to consider when you are choosing which season to have your outdoor shoot!

This was obviously a personal project but I work in a similar way with clients (apart from the screaming part - honest!!) - when they are after a snow shoot, I am very flexible and naturally they need to be too! It is usually the case, that when the perfect day presents itself and hopefully I am not already booked in the studio, we have a few phone calls back and forth and all being well - make a dash for Lyme Park or somewhere spacious where we can chase the light. As lovely as these images look, it is actually technically quite difficult shooting in such bright light but it's worth it in the end.  I can't wait to get these printed so I can enjoy them all year round!


Girl with wooly hat Three children in winter coats Smiling girl on snowy day Laughing boy on snowy day Boy on snowy day Children near gate in snow


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